Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the blog...

Recently I received a wonderful book containing over 100 pages of well-researched, tested, and detailed information and illustrations regarding one of history's best kept secrets. While not specifically 'underhammer' in nature, I believe the information contained within it to be of such significance to all of us muzzleloaders that it's being featured here.

Truly this book provides a tremendous wealth of information that will be of value to anyone interested in firearms as the information represents the very genesis of our sport and was the springboard for the whole industrial revolution. On a scale of importance to the development of civilization, the information it provides is akin to the discovery of fire.

I wrote a review of the book with the intention of sharing the information with our readers. However, when I clicked the button on the blog composer to actually publish the review to the web, Google's computer system IMMEDIATELY recognized the subject matter and refused to publish the review. It posted an orange Error Message that stated that my post was refused for (inappropriate) content.

Thinking that this was just a minor snafu - a problem with incorrect punctuation marks, perhaps, which can sometimes confuse the html editor - I edited and resubmitted the text. Again, the Error message INSTANTLY appeared. For over two hours I edited and re-edited the script and title into every conceivable form so as not to offend the Google computer's sense of appropriateness and every time it flashed the same message as if to say, NO, WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SHARE THAT KIND OF INFORMATION! It actually remembered the syntax and the subject matter and refused to accept ANY revision of the original material.

Perhaps now you understand why this "review" is so ambiguous. That computer is damn smart and recognizes not only words, but THOUGHTS. At first I figured there was some geeky kid at Google who was reviewing my material and sat in judgment only to give it a thumbs down verdict. But, no, after further consideration I realized that the review was too lengthy for anyone to INSTANTLY recognize and respond to the post. Only a computer could read and think that fast.

Frustrated with the situation, and dog tired (it was 1:30 am), I decided to call it a day and try again in the morning, although I didn't quite know what I might try.

During my wake-up coffee I received an inspiration to try another approach. I scanned the cover of the book and converted it to a j-peg image which I then uploaded into the blog composer as a picture instead of readable text from the night before.

Bingo! It worked. Luckily the mind of Google apparently cannot read the text compiled within a j-peg graphic as it did not refuse to publish the photo of the book's cover - which pretty much tells the story.

Checkmate, HAL.

I sincerely believe that the authors of the book (sorry, the computer remembers their names, and I'm not taking any chances of having this post censored, too) have contributed tremendously to our understanding of a subject that has remained shrouded in mystery for nearly a thousand years. Apparently there are still those who would prefer that it remain that way as they obviously don't want you to have this book.

At $39.97 I believe it to be a bargain considering the wealth of information contained within. To place an order and learn of other interesting books offered by L&R Publishing Company, please visit for more details. For those who would like to read my review, please contact me at: and I'll be happy to e-mail the full review to you.

The story you have just read is true. The names have been withheld to protect the innocent - but mostly to put one over on Google's computer.

Follow up: Thinking that perhaps because I tried publishing late that night (now four days ago) while Google may have been performing some kind of internal maintenance, and that perhaps their system was down and just couldn't respond to my input, I again tried to publish the most tame revision of the review and it was immediately refused - again. So, it seems pretty obvious now that they really don't want me to share this information with you.

Perhaps some validation to any conspiracy theorists among you.


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